Today, analysis has limitations
We bring you the future
Efficiency & Performance
To overcome these challenges, there is a need for new, accurate molecular testing solutions that can detect multiple, difficult and low abundance markers while simultaneously handle large sample volumes and seamlessly integrate into existing lab workflows without the need for substantial equipment investment.
PCR has long been the go-to molecular testing method providing scalability and highly sensitive results. However, it may become impractical or costly for high-throughput projects where broad genomic insight is required, or when there is a need to detect difficult, numerous target sequences in a single sample.
In comparison, NGS approaches excel in discovering novel genes and provide extreme sequence specificity. Yet, the initial equipment costs, ongoing reagent expenses, service fees, training required and turnaround time to results present significant barriers for many labs.
An end-point quantitative PCR technology powered by Nanopixels™, padlock probes and RCA-based molecular counting ensuring single-nucleotide resolution and ultra-sensitivity together with hyperplex capabilities to detect 100+ targets in each well.